Java SDK Exercise

This exercise is to give you practical knowledge and experience with the Java SDK.

  1. Download, Install, Setup the Java 2 SDK v1.3 environment with docs and source code
  2. Edit, Compile, Run, Debug and javadoc a simple Hello World program

Though you could cut and paste this code, I suggest that you actually type it in yourself so that you get practice typing Java syntax.

Source code:

 * HelloWorld
 * Version Information:
 * Author              Version  Date
 * David Darus         1.0      30 Jun 2000
 *  Original development
 * Copyright Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) 2000


 * This class is the HelloWorld example.
 * These lines are the class Documentation comment
 * @version 	1.0  30 Jun 2000
 * @author 	David Darus
public class HelloWorld
  * This object provides the service to output the "Hello World"
  * message via the System.out method in

  * This is the default constructor for the class

 public HelloWorld()
   * There is nothing to do in this constructor but it is coded so
   * that it is clear what the default constructor (this one) does.

  * This is the method that runs when this object is invoked with
  * the java command. It is used to test the program.
 public static void main(String args[])
   * This method outputs "Hello World"

  String msg = "Hello World";


 } //end method main

} //end class HelloWorld